©SVNG 2023
Stort Valley Nature Group
We are a forward-looking local Nature Group with the core aims of:-
Celebrating and Appreciating all aspects of local biodiversity.
Making people aware of the natural world in the area of the Stort Valley comprising OS 10 km squares 41,42,43,51,52,53 and including the Stort watershed and surrounding countryside.
Strongly supporting the chain of seven nature reserves and numerous County Wildlife Sites and Country Parks along the length of the Stort Valley.
Promoting an understanding of natural systems and ecology of the Stort Valley and surrounding countryside.
Keeping pace with modern technology and adopting modern methods of digital communication to promote our core aims.
Membership is currently £15 a head suspended for 2023 and annual subscriptions will fall due on the 1st January 2024
Payment can be made by cheque or BACS.
Talks and presentations are held either face-to-face at the Meetings Room at Hatfield Forest or on Zoom.
The location for the Meetings Room is TL 547210. CM22 6NF. WSW games. explained. nozzle. Parking adjacent to the building. The room will be open from 7.30 for an 8 PM start.
The Joining Link for Zoom will be sent 24 hours in advance and the meeting will be opened at 7:50 PM for an 8 PM start.
Locations for the Nature Walks will be supplied on an individual basis.
St James Church walk |
Tyford Mill walk |
Southern Country Park |
Stocking Wood walk |
Dawn Chorus Pishiobury Park |
Harlow wild flower meadow |
Grange Paddocks weir |
Nature Walks & Reporter |
Forest Nature |
Old Woman's Weaver |
Pishiobury Park Bats |
Forest Bird Watch |
Breeding birds survey 2015 |