Saturday September 7th.
Coppice monitoring for the National Trust.
The start of a new practical project to monitor woodland regeneration after coppicing.
10.00am. Meeting point TBC.
Friday September 20th.
A Talk on Invasive species by Colin Ryall.
Zoom 8pm.
Friday 27th September.
Nature Reporter
8pm on Zoom.
Wednesday 9th October.
Hatfield Forest for fungi.
10.00am. Meeting point TBC.
Friday 18th October.
A talk on the Wildlife of Minsmere.
David Sampson.
Although not local the presentation features dragon and damselflies found in our home area.
8pm Zoom.
Friday 25th October.
Nature Reporter meeting
On Zoom. 8pm.
Wednesday 13th November.
Hatfield Forest
The Northern Coppices to prospect the sites for Oxlip re-introduction in 2025.
10.00am.Meeting point TBC.
Friday 22nd November.
A presentation by Robert Phillips on Thorley Wash Nature Reserve.
8 PM on Zoom.
Friday 29th November.
Nature Reporter meeting
On Zoom. 8 PM.
Friday 13th December.
Wildlife Gardening by Andy White.
8 PM on Zoom.
Wednesday 18th December.
Aubrey Buxton Nature Reserve.
10.00am. TL521 264. W3W handbags.label.thirsty.
Parking limited. Details nearer the time.
Friday 20th December.
Nature Reporter
8 PM on Zoom.
Talks and presentations are held either face-to-face at the Meetings Room at Hatfield Forest or on Zoom.
The location for the Meetings Room is TL 547210. CM22 6NF. W3W games.explained.nozzle. Parking adjacent to the building. The room will be open from 7.30 for an 8 p.m. start.
The Joining Link for Zoom will be sent 24 hours in advance and the meeting will be opened at 7:50 p.m. for an
8 p.m. start.
Locations for the Nature Walks will be supplied on an individual basis.
Friday 3rd January.
A presentation on Bats, their biology,ecology and conservation.
8 PM on Zoom.
Wednesday 29th January.
Walk around Thorley Wash Nature Reserve to see summer habitat management by Water Buffalo.
10.00am. Meeting point TBC.
Friday 24th January.
Nature Reporter
8 PM on Zoom.
Friday 14th February.
A Nature Reserve Warden’s Year on Sawbridgeworth Marsh
By Vanessa McMillan and Bob Reed.
8pm Zoom.
Wednesday 19th February.
Nature Walk to Hunsdon Meads and river for birds on wet floodplain. 3 miles.
10.00am. Park in free car park at top of High Street.
TL 40973. W3W. Swim.limit.lovely.
Friday 28th February. Nature Reporter
On Zoom 8 PM.
Wednesday 19th March.
Nature Walk from Pishiobury Park along the river to view Elim Meadows - a new nature reserve at Old Harlow.
Meet in the main car park. 10 AM.
TL 475139. W3W. healthier.tribune.fled
Friday 21st March.
Swifts - an update by Graham Knight.
8pm on Zoom.
Friday 28th March.
Nature Reporter.
8pm. Zoom.
Wednesday 16th April.
Nature Walk. Wall Wood, Woodside Green for Oxlips and other Spring flowers.
10 AM.TL 521184. W3W.rival.pepper.codes
Friday 11th or 18th April.
Rory Dimond - 'Fascinating Flies'.
8pm on Zoom.
Friday 25th April. AGM
8pm. Hatfield Forest Meetings Room followed by short Nature Reporter.
St James Church walk |
Tyford Mill walk |
Southern Country Park |
Stocking Wood walk |
Dawn Chorus Pishiobury Park |
Harlow wild flower meadow |
Grange Paddocks weir |
Nature Walks & Reporter |
Forest Nature |
Old Woman's Weaver |
Pishiobury Park Bats |
Forest Bird Watch |
Breeding birds survey 2015 |